In June 2018, STA was awarded $10.778M through the Transit and Intercity Rail Program (TIRCP) to improve the access, reliability, frequency, integration, and safety of regional transit services throughout and outside Solano County. Two project components were funded in this application. Each component is fully scalable and has various elements of travel integrated into its proposal. Every component of the application is fully integrated into the local transit and active transportation system, with the goal of better integrating to the regional transit system as well. STA seeks to better improve the integration of each of these travel elements into a seamless, safe, and frequent regional transit system.
I. SolanoExpress Capital Improvements (3 locations, $5.9M)
1. Fairgrounds Dr/SR37 & Bike/Ped Improvements ($1.1M) – Now complete!
2. York St Bus Stop Extension ($1.8M) – Currently under Construction
3. FTC Slip-Ramp & Bike/Ped Improvements ($3M) – Construction anticipated Summer 2020
II. SolanoExpress Electrification of Long-Haul Buses and Site Improvements
(13 buses and site improvements at 2 locations @ $4.7M)
1. 13 Total Electric Coaches for FAST & SolTrans ($2.7M)
2. Maintenance Yard Electrical Upgrades for FAST and SolTrans ($1M)
III. Network and Fare Integration Opportunities ($250K)
April 11, 2019
Fairgrounds Drive Bike/Ped Improvements Construction
Figure 1 New Curb Ramp SB Fairgrounds Dr. opposite EB On-Ramp
Figure 2 Fairgrounds Dr. Island Pass Through opposite EB On-Ramp
Figure 3 Setting K-Rail for Stage Construction on EB On-RampFigure 4 Roadway Excavation for Widening on WB On-Ramp