News Release: SR 37/Fairgrounds Dr. Groundbreaking in Vallejo

Date: November 8, 2024
District/Agency: Solano Transportation Authority (STA) |Caltrans District 4-Bay Area
Contact: Nick Burton (707) 399-3207, Sean Person (707) 399-3217, Hector Chinchilla (510) 421-8040

SR 37/Fairgrounds Dr Groundbreaking in Vallejo

SOLANO COUNTY – Today, the Solano Transportation Authority, in partnership with the City of Vallejo, Caltrans, and Solano County is hosting a groundbreaking event for the State Route 37 (SR 37)/Fairgrounds Drive Interchange Improvement Project. This is a one year, $25 million project to create roadway improvements along portions of Fairgrounds Drive and Redwood Parkway/Redwood Street, as well as several nearby intersections and interchanges within the city of Vallejo.

This Project will widen and improve 1.5 miles of Fairgrounds Drive, extending from the State Route 37 interchange to the Redwood Parkway/Interstate 80 Interchange. The Project will implement a Diverging Diamond Interchange design that will significantly improve traffic flow and safety, while reducing congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Once the Project is completed, it will be safer and easier for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists to access and navigate.

The Project supports Solano 360, a larger countywide economic development to revitalize the area and encourage economic growth and development. This includes a mobility hub at the Fairgrounds site, which is funded by One Bay Area Grant Cycle 3 (OBAG-3) and various grants provided by the STA to the County—the project sponsor. Improvements will also be made to a number of intersections and interchanges, including Redwood Street/Parkway and Interstate 80, Fairgrounds Drive and State Route 37. This Project will relieve congestion and improve traffic flow on local streets, improve the existing interchange and intersection operations, improve the safety of local streets, and increase capacity of the local roadway network to support future growth.

“Together we’re advancing initiatives focused on creating safer, more efficient travel options for all modes of transportation, from vehicles to bicycles to pedestrians,” said Dave Ambuehl, Caltrans Chief Deputy District Director.

For more information visit the State Route 37/Fairgrounds Drive Project webpage.

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Service Changes to SolanoExpress Routes

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 10th, at 6 p.m. the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) Board will conduct a virtual public hearing via Zoom (log in information will be provided on the agenda cover to be posted on STA’s website one week prior to the meeting) in order to implement the SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan. The public hearing will provide information on the increased service to SolanoExpress and the restoration of passenger fare collection. SolanoExpress is a four-route transit system that is managed by the STA. The SolanoExpress lines that will be impacted include the following routes: Blue, GreenExpress, and the Yellow Line.

STA is proposing the SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan. The SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan will increase the overall service hours to the SolanoExpress transit system, allowing for more frequent travel opportunities for riders. The SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan will be implemented on July 5, 2020 by Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST), as well as, Solano County Transit (SolTrans) who operate SolanoExpress and generally restores service span, frequency, and coverage. Moreover, the collection of passenger fares will be reinstated on June 15, 2020.

Interested parties may provide input on the proposed SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan by submitting written comments and/or speaking at the public hearing.

Please submit comments by mail or in person to: Solano Transportation Authority, One Harbor Center, Suite 130, Suisun City, CA 94585; fax to (707) 424-6074; call (707) 399-3231; or by email to Brandon Thomson at

Details on the proposed SolanoExpress Service Restoration Plan may be obtained online at or by calling the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883.

To view the full press release, click here. En Español aquí


Notice of Solano Mobility Options for Commuters Returning To Work

Suisun City, CA – As Solano County enters Stage 2 of California Resilience Roadmap for Reopening, the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) is continues to service the public’s mobility and transit needs through the Solano Mobility Call Center, which has continued to receive an average of 100 calls per week. Customer Service Representatives are working remotely and can be reached online at and by calling 800-535-6883.

Commuters and essential workers can also contact Solano Mobility to sign up for the First/Last Mile Program, which provides an 80% discount (up to $25 off) on Lyft rides to and from major transit hubs within Solano County.

STA is also working with our regional and local transit partners to safely restore service to the SolanoExpress Blue, Green, Red and Yellow Lines.

For more information on these Solano Mobility options for commuters returning to work, including new SolanoExpress safety protocols and information on the restoration of fares and service, please read the press release by clicking here.

For up to date information, please visit the Solano Mobility website at and visit the local transit agencies’ website for your community.

Senator Dodd Introduces Highway 37 Improvement Bill

Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, introduced legislation today to reduce traffic congestion along Highway 37 and protect the vital North Bay route from sea level rise driven by climate change.

“The time is now to improve this essential artery that connects us to jobs and supports our economy,” Sen. Dodd said. “If we don’t act, increased traffic and sea level rise will make an already bad situation simply unpassable.  Without a dedicated revenue source, the problem won’t be fixed in many of our lifetimes. I introduced this bill to increase capacity for today’s commuters and make the route sustainable for future generations.”

Highway 37 runs along the northern edge of San Pablo Bay, serving as a critical connection for Sonoma, Solano, Napa and Marin counties. An estimated 40,000 cars and trucks cross it each day. That number is expected to increase nearly 50 percent, to 58,000 vehicles, over the 20 years. At the same time, a recent UC Davis study found that sea level rise will make the highway impossible to use by the end of the century, with serious periods of flooding expected annually in the coming decades.
The bill will create a tolling authority to raise capital for necessary improvements. The funding would help leverage state and federal funding sources to complete the needed overhaul. Details including administration, matching funds and the design of a new highway will be decided with future public input. Possibilities include an elevated causeway between Sears Point and Vallejo.

The proposal is supported by stakeholders in Sonoma, Solano, Napa and Marin counties. The bill was announced today during a 10 a.m. press conference at highways 37 and 121.

New Vehicle Share Program to provide much needed transportation services to older adults and persons with disabilities

SOLANO COUNTY – It’s about to get a lot easier for older adults and persons with disabilities to get around in Solano County. On Friday, June 28, starting at 11 a.m. at the County Administration Center, located at 675 Texas Street in Fairfield, Solano County officials, in partnership with the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation and Solano Transportation Authority, invites everyone to celebrate the launch of the new Vehicle Share Program, an innovative, demand-driven, cost-saving ride-share program.

To view the full press release, click HERE

Bike to School Day is May 8th!

Solano Bike Month

Solano County students are encouraged to strap on their safety helmets and pedal their way to school on National Bike to School Day, Wednesday, May 8, 2019. This annual event, organized locally by Solano Safe Routes to School (SR2S), a program of the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) and Solano Public Health, focuses attention on the physical and environmental benefits of biking to school instead of commuting by car.

Bike to School Day Press Release

2018 STA Annual Award Winners

The winners of the Solano Transportation Authority’s 21st Annual Awards were announced at a ceremony on November 14, 2018 held at the Joseph Nelson Community Center in Suisun City.
“This was an evening to celebrate transportation improvements in Solano County that are already making a difference to our residents. We honored the many efforts of the cities, partner agencies and individuals who championed and delivered transportation projects and programs in our local communities this year,” stated STA Chair Pete Sanchez.

2018 STA Awards Winners