News Release: SR 37/Fairgrounds Dr. Groundbreaking in Vallejo

Date: November 8, 2024
District/Agency: Solano Transportation Authority (STA) |Caltrans District 4-Bay Area
Contact: Nick Burton (707) 399-3207, Sean Person (707) 399-3217, Hector Chinchilla (510) 421-8040

SR 37/Fairgrounds Dr Groundbreaking in Vallejo

SOLANO COUNTY – Today, the Solano Transportation Authority, in partnership with the City of Vallejo, Caltrans, and Solano County is hosting a groundbreaking event for the State Route 37 (SR 37)/Fairgrounds Drive Interchange Improvement Project. This is a one year, $25 million project to create roadway improvements along portions of Fairgrounds Drive and Redwood Parkway/Redwood Street, as well as several nearby intersections and interchanges within the city of Vallejo.

This Project will widen and improve 1.5 miles of Fairgrounds Drive, extending from the State Route 37 interchange to the Redwood Parkway/Interstate 80 Interchange. The Project will implement a Diverging Diamond Interchange design that will significantly improve traffic flow and safety, while reducing congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Once the Project is completed, it will be safer and easier for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists to access and navigate.

The Project supports Solano 360, a larger countywide economic development to revitalize the area and encourage economic growth and development. This includes a mobility hub at the Fairgrounds site, which is funded by One Bay Area Grant Cycle 3 (OBAG-3) and various grants provided by the STA to the County—the project sponsor. Improvements will also be made to a number of intersections and interchanges, including Redwood Street/Parkway and Interstate 80, Fairgrounds Drive and State Route 37. This Project will relieve congestion and improve traffic flow on local streets, improve the existing interchange and intersection operations, improve the safety of local streets, and increase capacity of the local roadway network to support future growth.

“Together we’re advancing initiatives focused on creating safer, more efficient travel options for all modes of transportation, from vehicles to bicycles to pedestrians,” said Dave Ambuehl, Caltrans Chief Deputy District Director.

For more information visit the State Route 37/Fairgrounds Drive Project webpage.

Solano County Collaborative Regional Housing Element Meetings

The Solano County Housing Element Collaborative, comprised of the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, Vallejo, and the County of Solano, invites you to participate in a virtual workshop to discuss the findings of the joint Housing Needs Assessment of the Regional Housing Element. Following the community meetings held on January 26th and 27th, the Collaborative conducted an analysis of demographic, economic, and housing trends in each jurisdiction. The workshops being held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 11:30am and 6:00pm, will provide a summary of this analysis and discuss additional topics guided by your input.

Please join us to learn more about this section of the Housing Element, provide feedback on specific needs, and share your insights on how housing opportunities can be improved locally and on a regional level.

These meetings will be interactive and conducted online. Meeting participants can join by desktop, tablet, and phone. Please register for one of the meetings at the Eventbrite link below to receive further information about how to join. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register for one of the virtual meetings:
March 30 from 11:30am-1:00pm:
March 30 from 6:00pm-7:30pm:

For additional information about the Regional Housing Element, and to participate in the community survey, please visit the Collaborative’s website here:

Caltrans Active Transportation Plan Survey

Caltrans District 4 is looking for your input to make walking along or across state highways safer in the Bay Area. Take the survey between now and February 5th to let us know which areas Caltrans should prioritize for improvements. It only takes 5 minutes to make a big impact on your community!

Take the survey. 

For more information on the Caltrans District 4 Pedestrian Plan, click here.

Bike Highway Study Website & Survey Launch

Caltrans Bay Area is evaluating the implementation of bike highways in the Bay Area and is looking for input from Bay Area bicyclists through their newly launched Bike Highway Study website. The Study website is a resource for collecting input, upcoming events, and bike highway-related websites and resources. Caltrans Bay Area (District 4) manages nearly 1,400 miles of State Highway corridors throughout the Bay Area. The purpose of this Study is to understand where Bike Highways may be installed alongside State Highway corridors.

The Caltrans Bay Area Bike Highway Study Survey seeks to gather feedback on your bicycling habits, which features will make bike highways safe and easy for you to use, and what makes you feel comfortable while bicycling.

What is a Bike Highway?
A bike highway is a high-quality, uninterrupted, long-distance bikeway created to reduce barriers to destinations that people want to travel to and from, especially places which may normally be difficult to bike to. These types of bikeways may consist of a mix of on-street facilities and fully-separated trails. Bike highways should be designed to accommodate people of all ages and abilities riding bikes, as well as people walking and rolling where appropriate and feasible. For this Study, Caltrans is evaluating bike highways parallel to State highway corridors.

The survey will be open through the end of February, and all questions are optional. To take the short survey, click here.

STA Partners with City County Coordinating Council on Housing Summit

The Solano City County Coordinating Council (4C’s) is a partnership between the County of Solano and the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo. The Solano 4Cs, in partnership with the STA, held a Housing Summit on February 25, 2019. The purpose of the Housing Summit was to inform Solano County’s local elected officials and city staff about forthcoming state housing legislation. A local panel discussed the opportunities and obstacles facing housing production and affordability in Solano County and a regional report called the “CASA Compact” proposed by the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to address the region’s Housing Crisis.

Click Here to Download Housing Summit PPT

Click Here to Download Housing Summit Handout Packet

Click Here to view the Housing Summit Panel Video

Click Here to view the Full Housing Summit Video

Click Here to view the 4Cs Follow-Up October-December Update Checklist

STA Partners with City County Coordinating Council on Housing Summit

The Solano City County Coordinating Council (4C’s) is a partnership between the County of Solano and the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo. The Solano 4Cs, in partnership with the STA, held a Housing Summit on February 25, 2019. The purpose of the Housing Summit was to inform Solano County’s local elected officials and city staff about forthcoming state housing legislation. A local panel discussed the opportunities and obstacles facing housing production and affordability in Solano County and a regional report called the “CASA Compact” proposed by the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to address the region’s Housing Crisis.

Click Here to Download Housing Summit PPT

Click Here to Download Housing Summit Handout Packet

Click Here to view the Housing Summit Panel Video

Click Here to view the Full Housing Summit Video

Click Here to view the 4Cs Follow-Up August Update Checklist

Equity Chapter Workshops

The STA Board established an Equity Working Group in recognition of the connection between housing, healthcare, income, and mobility access in the context of transportation equity. The Equity Working Group will guide the development of the Transportation Equity Chapter of the Solano Comprehensive Transportation Plan.

Workshops are scheduled to discuss the following DRAFT Transportation Equity Guiding Principles:

  1. STA works in partnership with local, regional, and state governments and our whole community to provide and maintain a safe, innovative, equitable multi-modal transportation system in Solano County.
  2. STA seeks to advance a just, healthy, and prosperous quality of life in all Solano County communities while addressing transportation and diverse mobility needs of our residents, businesses, and visitors.
  3. STA values and commits to meaningful participation of Solano County’s vulnerable populations in all aspects of mobility planning and infrastructure to ensure that disadvantaged communities unique and unmet needs are prioritized.
  4. STA supports locally-decided land uses that stimulate economic opportunity and produce affordable housing in proximity to downtowns, public rail stations, and along major bus service corridors, in conjunction with acting to protect Solano County’s key agricultural and open space areas.
  5. STA routinely measures, evaluates, and clearly presents transportation performance results for public review to insure that its policies, plans, and budgets are fair, effective, and reflect community-focused priorities of Solano County residents and businesses.

For more information on the STA’s Equity Working Group, please contact Planning Assistant, Triana Crighton at or call 707-424-6075.

Click here to view the Equity Chapter Workshops Flyer